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[05-18 21:30:48]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  初二英语试卷   阅读:8474
概要: 参考答案听力I. 1—5 D E B C AII. 6—10 A B B C CIII. 11—15 C B B C AIV. 16.Canada 17. Travelling 18. beautiful 19.plane 20. week笔试部分Ⅴ.21---25 ABBCC 26—30 CCBAC31—35 BCBBBⅥ. 36—40 BADCEVII.41—45 CBACC 46—50 ABCCBⅧ. 51---55 BCACB 56---60 BACCB61--- 65 CBBBAⅨ.66, strict with, 67, deal with 68.no longer 69, think over 70, slowed down71,decision 72, making 73,foreigners 74, lively 75,to learnⅩ.76,shy 77,moods 78,make 79,with 80,jokes81,e-mailed 82,lon



I. 1—5 D E B C A

II. 6—10 A B B C C

III. 11—15 C B B C A

IV. 16.Canada 17. Travelling 18. beautiful 19.plane 20. week


Ⅴ.21---25 ABBCC 26—30 CCBAC

31—35 BCBBB

Ⅵ. 36—40 BADCE

VII.41—45 CBACC 46—50 ABCCB

Ⅷ. 51---55 BCACB 56---60 BACCB

61--- 65 CBBBA

Ⅸ.66, strict with, 67, deal with 68.no longer 69, think over 70, slowed down

71,decision 72, making 73,foreigners 74, lively 75,to learn

Ⅹ.76,shy 77,moods 78,make 79,with 80,jokes

81,e-mailed 82,lonely 83, more 84,courage 85,impossible

86,They are visiting the Great Wall now.

87,Lily was playing the piano when his father came in .

88, The noodles taste delicious.

89, We do morning exercises to keep healthy everyday.

90, They will go hiking tomorrow.

One possible version

Dear Bob,

I’m sorry to hear that you are always nervous about tests. Here is some advice for you.

First of all, study hard and make good preparations for exams. Second, why not go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercise before an exam? By doing this, you can relax yourself. Besides, enough sleep will make you full of energy and do well in the exams. A cup of milk before going to bed might help you have a good sleep and listening to the light music is also a good way.

I hope you will find these ways useful. Best wishes!

Yours, Li Hua

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