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[02-26 21:49:52]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  初中英语改错翻译   阅读:8308
概要: 同学们,人生不拼不精彩,缺乏竞争和考试的人生是不完整的!考场就是一个战场,也是一个你展示才华的舞台。一次考试只是人生中的一小步,快来一起做中考英语关键句型改错翻译全总结(9),精品小编和你一起走好无数个这样的一小步,到达理想的彼岸!Lesson 10关键句型一:表示负责某事的句型(以本题为例)1. Today our teacher put me in charge of the wall newspaper in my class.2. I will take charge of the wall newspaper in my class.3. I will be in charge of the wall newspaper in my class.4. I will take over the wall newspaper in my class.5. I was assigned to take charge of the wall newspaper in my class.6. I'm responsible for the wall news


Lesson 10


1. Today our teacher put me in charge of the wall newspaper in my class.

2. I will take charge of the wall newspaper in my class.

3. I will be in charge of the wall newspaper in my class.

4. I will take over the wall newspaper in my class.

5. I was assigned to take charge of the wall newspaper in my class.

6. I'm responsible for the wall newspaper in my class.


1. I decided to complete the task.

2. I'm determined to complete the task.

3. I've fixed on completing the task. 【fix on: 决定;确定】

4. I have made up my mind to complete the task.

5. I've make a decision to complete the task.

6. I have set my mind on completing the task.

【set one's on: 决心要】


1. I'm thinking of reporting some events that happened around us on the wall newspaper.

2. I will report some events that happened around us on the wall newspaper.

3. I'm going to report some events that happened around us on the wall newspaper.

4. I plan to report some events that happened around us on the wall newspaper.

5. I intend to report some events that happened around us on the wall newspaper.

6. I propose to report some events that happened around us on the wall newapaper.


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