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七年级英语家庭作业 Different places练习题

[02-23 16:53:35]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  初一英语家庭作业   阅读:8620
概要: 同学们想要取得好成绩就要在平时多下功夫,把老师所讲的内容消化为己用,小编搜集整理了七年级英语家庭作业 Different places练习题,以助大家学习一臂之力!I. Choose the different words.(辨音) (5%)( ) 1. A. Canadian B. nationality C. magazine D. Japanese( ) 2. A. sheep B. steep C. leave D. step( ) 3. A. neighbourhood B. cook C. foot D. soon( ) 4. A. glove B. boss C. hot D. bottom( ) 5. A. church B. chicken C. chess D. brochureII.Choose the best answer. (选择题)(15%)( )1.They are ______ because the basketball match between Class 4 and Class 5 is _______.A. excited
七年级英语家庭作业 Different places练习题,标签:初一英语家庭作业大全,http://www.kmf8.com

同学们想要取得好成绩就要在平时多下功夫,把老师所讲的内容消化为己用,小编搜集整理了七年级英语家庭作业 Different places练习题,以助大家学习一臂之力!

I. Choose the different words.(辨音) (5%)

( ) 1. A. Canadian B. nationality C. magazine D. Japanese

( ) 2. A. sheep B. steep C. leave D. step

( ) 3. A. neighbourhood B. cook C. foot D. soon

( ) 4. A. glove B. boss C. hot D. bottom

( ) 5. A. church B. chicken C. chess D. brochure

II.Choose the best answer. (选择题)(15%)

( )1.They are ______ because the basketball match between Class 4 and Class 5 is _______.

A. excited; excited B. excited; exciting

C. exciting; exciting D. exciting; excited

( )2. Dick can speak _______ French, but he knows ________about France.

A. a few few B. few a few C. little a little D. a lot a little

( ) 3. There is ______ international flower show in ______ exhibition centre.

A. a…the B. an…the C. a…an D. the…an

( ) 4. City life is different ______ country life.

A. with B. from C. to D. than

( ) 5. It’s comfortable _________ on the sofa.

A. sat B. sitting C. sit D. to sit

( )6. Sandy’s notebook is different _____ mine. Mine is ______.

A. from, bigger B. of, bigger C. to, bigger D. between, small

( )7. Everyone must keep the classroom _______.

A. cleaned B. cleaning C. clean D. to clean

( )8. Where is Water Bay Road ________ the map of Garden City?

A. with B. from C. on D. in

( )9. My new flat is ______ the north of Old Town.

A. in B. on C. to D. of

( )10. A: ______ season do you prefer, summer or winter?

B: I like summer better.

A. What B. Whose C. Which D. When

( ) 11. A: ______ will Mr Lin come back?

B: In about half an hour.

A. How far B. How often C. How soon D. How much

( )12. There are many tall trees on __________ side of the street.

A. all B. any C. either D. both

( )13. Let us talk ____our friends _____the holiday plan.

A. to…about B. with…of

C. to…with D. with…for

( )14. What about ______a cup of milk? www.xkb1.com

A. drink B. to drink C. drank D. drinking

( )15. You ______ park your car in front of the school gate.

A. needn’t B needn’t to C. don’t need D aren’t able to

III. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms.(词的适当形式填空)(6%)

1. The life in a big city is usually ______. ( excite)

2. Don’t make so much ________. Kitty is doing homework next door. (noisy)

3. I think living in the city is ______________ than living in the suburbs. (convenient)

4. In autumn, you can see __________ falling from the trees. (leaf)

5. Uncle Jack had a _________ trip last month. (please)

6. People feel ________when they live in the country.(relax)


IV. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms.(动词的适当形式填空)(5%)

1. There ___________(be) a basketball match between Class One and Class Four tomorrow afternoon.

2. I must leave now. Somebody _____________ (wait) for me at the office.

3. I am interested in ________(fly) kites in the park.

4. When Mary was ten years old, she ______(prefer) fish to meat, but now she likes meat.

5. Jimmy ________(play) with dogs for three hours.

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) (12%)

1.Tom goes to the cinema twice a month. (划线提问)

______ ______ ______Tom go to the cinema?

2. There’s a lot of traffic. (改为否定句)

There _____ _____ traffic.

3. Alice doesn’t study well. Jane doesn't study well, either. (两句合一句)

______ Alice nor Jane _______ well

4. I will spend ten more minutes typing my homework. ( 保持原意 )

It will ________ _________ ten more minutes to _________ my homework.

5. Tom has visited museums in that city. ( 改为反意疑问句 )

Tom has visited museums in that city.. ________ _________ ?

VI. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文) (6%)

Newton was a great English scientist. He was one of the ___1___ men in history.

One morning he got up early and began to work on a difficult problem. It was time to have breakfast, ___2___he was thinking about the problem. Mary brought a pan of water and an egg to his room. She was going to boil the egg for him. But Newton wanted to do it ___3___. He said to Mary, “Please put the egg on the table. I’ll boil it.”

Mary put the egg ___4___Newton’s watch on the table and said,” Boil it for four minutes and it will be ready.” Then she walked __5____. But when she entered the room later, guess what did she see? Newton was standing by the pan, __6__ the egg in his hand. He had put the watch in the pan and was boiling it.

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