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范文:我心目中理想的老师(An ideal teacher)

[10-20 00:50:22]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  初二英语辅导   阅读:8469
概要: 编者按:www.kmf8.com小编为大家收集发布了初二英语辅导:范文:我心目中理想的老师(An ideal teacher),希望对大家有所帮助。范文:我心目中理想的老师(An ideal teacher)我心目中理想的老师(An ideal teacher)Different people have different opinions with regard to an ideal teacher. For me,a teacher who is humorous ,considerate and knowledgeable will be the most perfect one. examdaAs you know, many subjects are very boring, and if the teacher is the one with sense of humor, you will be enegetic in his class and bear what you learned in mind.A considerate teacher
范文:我心目中理想的老师(An ideal teacher),标签:初二英语复习,http://www.kmf8.com

编者按:www.kmf8.com小编为大家收集发布了初二英语辅导:范文:我心目中理想的老师(An ideal teacher),希望对大家有所帮助。

范文:我心目中理想的老师(An ideal teacher)

我心目中理想的老师(An ideal teacher)

Different people have different opinions with regard to an ideal teacher. For me,a teacher who is humorous ,considerate and knowledgeable will be the most perfect one. examda

As you know, many subjects are very boring, and if the teacher is the one with sense of humor, you will be enegetic in his class and bear what you learned in mind.A considerate teacher must be the most popular one with students. For example, when you are sleepy in his class, he will not criticize you but say something that you can go to the dorm to sleep and about the lesson, i will help you after the class.If the teacher is knowledgeble,you can really benefit a lot from him, and it will be very helpful for shaping yourself.

In short, a teacher should be the one who you really can learn something from and can make you want to learn.

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