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[02-24 17:16:54]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  初二英语暑假作业   阅读:8183
概要: 学习可以这样来看,它是一个潜移默化、厚积薄发的过程。www.kmf8.com编辑了英语暑假作业第六单元读写,希望对您有所帮助!任务一:Richard的父母在学期末收到儿子的e-mail。阅读e-mail并将信中有关Richard的情况填入学生成绩报告单中(要求写完整的句子)。Dear Mom and Dad,How are you? This term is over. It ends on June 18th. I am now writing to tell you something about my study.I have got an "A" for Science. I'm good at it, and I can work out many difficult problems. My English is "A+". I'm still the best in English in my class, I'll keep it up. As for History (B), I



Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you? This term is over. It ends on June 18th. I am now writing to tell you something about my study.

I have got an "A" for Science. I'm good at it, and I can work out many difficult problems. My English is "A+". I'm still the best in English in my class, I'll keep it up. As for History (B), I'm not so good at it, but I'm better than before. Geography (A-) is a new subject(科目), and I am interested in it. I know many things about some places in the world now. Music (A-) is my favorite, but I still don't like Jazz. I have got a "C" for Math. I feel sorry for it. I'm still very poor in Math, although I have tried my best. My teacher Martin says that I can do much better, but I need more work.

Don't worry about me. I'll study harder and do better next term.

Miss you so much!




From GeorgiaHigh School

Name: Richard King Grade: 7 Term ending: 18th, June

1. Science: A He is , and he can .

2. English: A+ He . Keep it up.

3. History: B He , but .

4. Geography: A- He . He knows .

5. Music: A- He , but .

6. Math: C He , but .

7. Remarks(评语): Richard .

8. Class Teacher: Martin




1. He is good at science, and he can work out many difficult problems.

2. He is the best in the class.

3. He is not so good at this, but he is better than before.

4. He is interested in it. He knows many things about some places in the world.

5. He likes music best, but he doesn't like Jazz.

6. He is poor in Math, but he has tried his best.

7. Richard can do much better, but he needs more work.





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