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[02-25 22:20:54]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  初三英语同步练习   阅读:8101
概要: 学好英语需要平时的练习。练习越多,掌握越熟练,www.kmf8.com编辑了初三英语同步练习新目标Unit2检测试题,欢迎参考!二、基础知识运用(每小题1.5分,满分15 分)21. I _______ frustrated when I wasn’t sure of the correct answer.A. may be B. used to C. used to be D. use to be22. When I was a child, I used to _______ chocolate.A. liking B. like C. liked D. likes2 3. It _______ that he has been ill for a long time.A. seems B. looks C. looks as if D. seems as if24. _______ our surprise, he didn’t pass the English exam.A. In B. With


二、基础知识运用(每小题1.5分,满分15 分)

21. I _______ frustrated when I wasn’t sure of the correct answer.

A. may be   B. used to  C. used to be  D. use to be

22. When I was a child, I used to _______ chocolate.

A. liking   B. like   C. liked   D. likes

2 3. It _______ that he has been ill for a long time.

A. seems   B. looks   C. looks as if  D. seems as if

24. _______ our surprise, he didn’t pass the English exam.

A. In    B. With   C. By   D. To

25. You used to be quiet, _______ you?

A. used   B. did   C. didn’t   D. are

26. He has failed several times, but he won’t        .

A. go on   B. come on  C. get up   D. give up

27. He used to       late. But now he is used to ______early.

A. sleep; get up      B. sleep; getting up

C. sleeping; get up     D. sleeping; getting up

28. My brother is interested in ______ basketball.

A. play    B. playing  C. to play   D. played

29. Are you ______ in the ______ story?

A. interested; interesting    B. interesting; interesting

C. interested; interested    D. interesting; interested

30. There is nothing wrong with your mother. Please don’t         her.

A. worry about      B. take pride in

C. pay attention to     D. listen to

三、完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分15 分)

Some students get angry more often or more easily. Sometimes, their anger becomes   31   strong that their feelings get out of control (失去控制). People say that kids like this have a(n)   32   temper (脾气). When some kids get angry, they might   33  at their parents, break something, or even   34   , hit someone. Kids should express their feelings when they are angry,   35   it’s not OK for a kid to do any of such terrible things. What should you do if you’re very angry? Here is some advice for you to   36   , even when you’re not angry.

★Exercise more. Any exercise, such as running or   37   , can be helpful because it’s a way to   38   you feel relaxed.

★   39    your mom or dad. If you’re angry about something, tell your parents and ask them for help or advice.

★Put your feelings into words. Using words might keep you from getting into trouble. Using words can   40   you to express your strong feelings and control your temper.

31. A. too         B. quite          C. so             D. such

32. A. bad     B. good          C. happy          D. annoyed

33. A. laugh     B. smile         C. shout          D. look

34.  A. heavier   B. stronger       C. better          D. worse

35. A. if           B. but              C. unless          D. until

36. A. break        B. take             C. forget          D. bring

37. A. smoking     B. sleeping          C. swimming       D. working

3 8. A. make        B. allow             C. keep           D. see

39. A. Help with    B. Take pride in     C. Talk about       D. Talk to

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