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[05-18 21:33:33]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  高考英语复习资料   阅读:8800
概要: 【摘要】最新一年高考将至,www.kmf8.com应广大考生需求特体整理了“最新一年高考英语复习资料:表语从句”,希望考上在有限的时间里,收获更多知识。在此预祝考生取得理想的成绩。1、-How do you usually find out about new software?-In the magazines like Popular Electronics. That’s computer companies usually advertise.A.which B.where C.what D.why2、 What is even more important is______ the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface.A.that B.that as C.which D.which as3、 What is even more important is___


1、-How do you usually find out about new software?

-In the magazines like Popular Electronics. That’s       computer companies usually advertise.

A.which            B.where         C.what        D.why

2、 What is even more important is______ the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface.

A.that        B.that as           C.which            D.which as

3、 What is even more important is______ the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface.

A.that         B.that as          C.which             D.which as

4、 The reason why I didn’t go to France was __________ a new job.

A. because I got                          B. because of getting

C. I got                                D. that I got

5、 The question that puzzled them is_____ they can get rid of the air pollution in the area.

A. how is it that      B. that how     C. what is it        D. how it is that

6、 I am afraid he’s more of a talker than a doer, which is ______ he never finishes anything.

A. that           B. when              C. where            D. why

7、 I love the job of selling guitars. That's        my strengths meet my passions for music.

A. what               B. which             C. where                     D. when

8、 I have been told that the second chapter is ______ the issue is mainly dealt with.

A. how               B. which                      C. what                 D. where

9、 —How do you find out about the latest fashions, Alice?

—In the magazines like Rayli. That’s        clothes companies usually advertise.

A. Which              B. where                 C. what                        D. why

10、You are saying that the plan will be carried out successfully, and it is ____ I disagree.

A.what                 B.that                   C.where                D.how

11、 Faced with challenges, you should believe your courage is ____ makes a difference.

A. how           B. that             C. which          D. what

12、One of the glorious moments in my school life was       I was awarded the Mayor’s Award.

A.why                B.how               C.that                        D.when

13、The beautiful view and friendly people are____ newcomers like the city

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