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[10-20 00:48:13]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  高二英语教案   阅读:8700
概要: 【摘要】教案是整个课程的大纲,使得学生更有逻辑的调理的理解其讲课内容。www.kmf8.com高二英语教案栏目小编也特意为您编辑了此文:"高二英语教案:Teachers教案"祝您浏览愉快。本文题目:高二英语教案:Teachers教案三维目标知识与技能Read two passages about describing a student and a teacher, use the expressions to retell the text or to describe a teacher.过程与方法以学生为主体的的发现学习和合作学习情感态度与价值观理解人与人之间的各种各样的关系,学会和人相处;尊师重教教学重点Use reading skills to understand the two passages.教学难点Students will be asked to write a passage about their own teacher who helped them a lot.教具及电化教学手段blackboard教学方法阅读法、任




Read two passages about describing a student and a teacher, use the expressions to retell the text or to describe a teacher.



教学重点Use reading skills to understand the two passages.

教学难点Students will be asked to write a passage about their own teacher who helped them a lot.



教 学 过 程

Step1. Warming up(2ms)

Talk about teacher’s own favorite teacher.

Ask the Ss to talk about their own favorite teachers by asking students the following questions:

1. Who was your favorite teachers at primary school?

2. Why did you like him/her?

3. Guess. Will your teacher still remember you? Were you a good student for him/her?

Step2 listen and read(20ms)

A. Listen, read the text and decide whether the statements are true or false .(6ms)

1.Gramham didn’t become interested in a subject for the first time until he went into Mr Jenkin’s class.(T)

2. After Graham worked, he seldom thought of his teacher Mr Jenkins.(F)

3.Mr Jenkin is proud of his student Graham.(T)

4.Mr Jenkin thought that the government shouldn’t cut the size of classes.(F)

B. Read the text again and answer the following questions.(8ms)

SBP40 Ex2(答案见教参62页EX2)

C. Read the texts again and decide what each of the words/phrases mean in the text.(6ms)

P3L2 1) lack A. own B. lose C. not have enough

P2L7 2) powder A.力量 B.火药 C. 奶粉

P2Last line 3) set off A. launch; send into the sky

B. leave for somewhere C. make better

P3L2 4) have access to A. reach/ enter B. make progress C. change

P3Last line 5) worthwhile A. valuable B. worth spending effort C. high-paid

Step 3 Discussion (3ms)

Ask the Ss to exchange ideas about what makes a good teacher.

Encourage them express their ideas.

Step 4 Writing(15ms) My Favorite Teacher

Read the two passages on Page 47 and write your own passage. The following points should be included:

1) Who is your favorite teacher?

2) What does she/he look like?

3) What is she/he like?

4) Why do you like her/him so much?

Step 4 Assignments

1.Go over the texts as well as the vocabulary we’ve learned today.

2.Continue to finish writing the passage “My Teacher”.

教 学 反 思

Unit 15 Learning Lesson 3 Teachers ( 2nd Period)

Step1 Make a list of new words or phrases on the blackboard ,guide students to read them out.(2ms)

Step2 Ask some students to read out the passages one by one, others underline the words or phrases listed on the blackboard.(6ms)

Step 3 Students try to study the use of the words in pairs or in groups by consulting dictionary.(8ms)

Step 4 Presentate the use of the words by asking students ,teacher helps if neccesary. (20ms)

Step5 Making sentences or write a passage by using the words above.(4ms)

PS: The use of the words (注:P段落 L行)


(P1L3)1.suppose + that 认为,假定 sb./sth. to be 认为某人,某物是…

I don’t suppose I’ll trouble you again.

You are supposed to start work at 8:30 every morning.

(P2L4)2. make everything interesting make+adj/do/n

The teacher make us finish the homework.

What made you so frightened?

We made it a rule that everyone should be on time.

We decided to make him our chairman

(P2L5)3. simplify vt.简化,使简易

①You should simplify your life.你应该简化你的生活。

②Try to simplify your explanation for the children.


③The application forms have now been simplified.申请表格现在简化了。

拓展simple adj.简单的 simplification n.简化 simply adv.简单地;只不过

④The old couple live a simple life.这对老夫妇过着简朴的生活。

⑤Is success simply a matter of working hard?是否只要勤奋就能成功?

4. I wish I was as successful…as I was with…

He is as good a teacher as a father.

He doesn’t go home as much as he used to.

Please take as many books as you want.

You can take as many as ten books. 多达

as +adj,+a/an +n. + as 和…一样是一个…

as +adj/adv. + as 和…一样

as +many/much as sb. want 想要多少..就有多少…

as +many/much/far + as 多达/远达…

练习: 他和郭锋一样是个好歌手He is as good a singer as Guofeng.

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