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一年级英语上册单元测试卷:Unit 1

[02-20 14:23:14]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  一年级英语试卷   阅读:8701
概要: 【摘要】也许很多小学生在幼儿园就接触过双语教学模式,英语的重要性可想而知。或许英语已不再单单是一门学科,它已经成为必须掌握的一种语言。为此www.kmf8.com小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了一年级英语上册单元测试卷,希望能帮助大家学好英语和提高成绩!Part 1 SpeakingI. Look and read. (看图,朗读下列小对话。)II. Introduce Tim for May. (为 May 介绍一下 Tim 。并把对话补充完整。)May TimIII. Look and say. (看图,在老师的帮助下,说一说下列句子。)This is my . This is my .IV. Count the numbers from six to one. (从六数到一)V. Read a rhyme. (朗诵一首儿歌)Part 2 Reading and writingI. Look and tick. (在每组中找出从小到大排列的数字,在方框内打√)1. □ five four six □ four five six2. □ one two
一年级英语上册单元测试卷:Unit 1,标签:小学一年级英语试卷,http://www.kmf8.com


Part 1 Speaking

I. Look and read. (看图,朗读下列小对话。)

II. Introduce Tim for May. (为 May 介绍一下 Tim 。并把对话补充完整。)

May               Tim

III. Look and say. (看图,在老师的帮助下,说一说下列句子。)

This is my         .         This is my        .

IV. Count the numbers from six to one. (从六数到一)

V. Read a rhyme. (朗诵一首儿歌)

Part 2 Reading and writing

I. Look and tick. (在每组中找出从小到大排列的数字,在方框内打√)

1. □ five  four  six     □ four  five  six

2. □ one  two  three    □ two  three one

3. □ two  four  one     □ one  two  four

4. □ one  three  six     □ six   three one

5. □ five  two  four    □ two  four  five

6. □ two  four  six     □ six   two  four

II. Read and circle. (看问答, 圈出相应数量的物品.)

1. How many books? Three books.

2. How many rulers? Four rulers.

3. How many bags? One bag.

4. How many pens? Two pens.

5. How many rubbers? Six rubbers.

III. Read and draw. (根据句子,画出相应数量的物品)

1. Give me six pencils, please.

2. Give me three rulers, please.

3. Give me four books, please.

4..It‘s a tree.





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上一篇:小学一年级英语上册单元测试卷:Unit 3