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[05-18 21:33:33]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  三年级英语试卷   阅读:8331
概要: 有的同学一提到考试就头疼,脑大,其实大家不用害怕,只要大家用心,多做题,就一定会有好的成绩。我们一起来做一下这篇最新一年苏教版最新三年级上学期英语期中考试试题吧!Part II: Writing 笔试:60%I. Copy (正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号) 8%ben is he your father no hes mr chenII. Read and judge (根据划线字母,判断发音是否正确,用"√"表示正确,用"X"表示错误) 3%1. I have a plate. ( ) 2. The cake is on the table. ( )3. The fat boy has a big face. ( ) 4. The pig is pink. ( )5. She is ten years old. ( ) 6. The kite is big. ( )III. Look and


Part II: Writing   笔试:60%

I. Copy (正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号)  8%

ben is he your father no hes mr chen

II. Read and judge (根据划线字母,判断发音是否正确,用"√"表示正确,用"X"表示错误) 3%

1. I have a plate.            (   )   2. The cake is on the table.  (   )

3. The fat boy has a big face.  (   )   4. The pig is pink.         (   )

5. She is ten years old.       (   )   6. The kite is big.          (   )

III. Look and write (看图写出单词)  5%


1. I can fly the             .

2. I like to eat            .

3. My brother is good at riding a              .

4. Pick up your            , please.

5.             can run fast. Look, it's running.

IV. Read and choose (选出不同类的词)  5%

(    )1. A. hungry            B. nice        C. run         D. big

(    )2. A. hall              B. desk         C. library      D. classroom

(    )3. A. elephant           B. tiger        C. kite         D. lion

(    )4. A. tail               B. boy         C. ear         D. hand

(    )5. A. girl               B. father       C. sister       D. grandfather

V. Fill in the blanks (用I, you, my, your填空)  5%

1. How are         ?         am very well, thanks.

2. Here          are. Thank          .

3. What's          name?           name's Alice.

4.           are my teacher. I am           pupil.

5. Who's          friend?           friend is Peter.

VI. Fill in the blanks (用is, am, are填空)  5%

Hi, my name is Lily. I have a round face. My eyes       big. This        my tail. It's long. I like to eat fish. May and Tom          my good friends. We can play together. There       a nice ball in my home. I         happy!

VII. Choice (选择填空)  10%

(    )1. Who          you? I          Alice.

A. am…are             B. are…am         C. are…are

(    )2. Kitty, look           your hands. They are dirty.

A. on                  B. at              C. for

(    )3. I like        . And you?

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