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[02-21 00:18:28]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  六年级英语暑假作业   阅读:8612
概要: 【摘要】小学六年级英语暑假作业是学生们学习中的重要部分,学生们应该重视六年级英语暑假作业,不断提高英语水平,www.kmf8.com为大家提供了六年级英语暑假作业集锦,希望对大家有所帮助。一. 把下列英语句子译成汉语:1. My dad’s a cleaner at the zoo.2. Her father goes by bicycle.3. She works in a car factory.4. Tom designs cars.5. She often helps tourists find their way.二.把下列单词组合成正确的句子:1.in, factory, a, who, car, works;2.takes, school, me, he, to;3.Mike, my, that, is, uncle;4.be, you, what, going, are, to;5.beautiful, is, really, she;三.用适当的词补全对话:Jack: does your mother do?Lily:She is ac


一. 把下列英语句子译成汉语:

1. My dad’s a cleaner at the zoo.

2. Her father goes by bicycle.

3. She works in a car factory.

4. Tom designs cars.

5. She often helps tourists find their way.


1.in, factory, a, who, car, works;

2.takes, school, me, he, to;

3.Mike, my, that, is, uncle;

4.be, you, what, going, are, to;

5.beautiful, is, really, she;


Jack: does your mother do?

Lily:She is accountant.

Jack: does she work?

Lily:She in a car company.

Jack: does she go to work?

Lily:She goes to work bus.


can, lessons, actress, tourist, zoo, designs, takes, hard, uncle, motor.

1.She cars.

2.If you like drawing and math,you be an engineer.

3.She often helps find their way.

4.She goes to work by bike.

5.I teach .

6.They work every day for us.

8.This is my .

9.He me to school.

10.She’s an on TV.


1.My brother is a reporter.(对划线部分提问)

does your brother ?

2.He works in a car company. (对划线部分提问)

does he ?

3.I often go to school by subway(对划线部分提问).

you often go to school?

4.He is Xiao Ming’s father. (对划线部分提问)

is ?

5.My mother teaches English. (对划线部分提问)

does your mother ?


( )1.John:What does your uncle do?

Chen Jie: .

A.He’s an engineer. B.He goes to work by bike.

C.He likes reading newspapers. D.Yes,he does.

( )2.Sarah:Where does your father work?

Tom: .

A. He likes watching TV. B.He’s a teacher.

B. He is a worker. D.He works in a hospital.

( )3.Amy:What does your aunt do?

Sam: .

A. She likes collecting stamps. B.She’s an actress on TV.

C.She is cleaning the room. C.She goes to work by bike.

( )4.Tom:Do you like English?

Jim: .

A.Yes,I am. B.No,I’m not.

C.No,I do. D.Yes,I do.

( )5.Kate:Does Alice like swimming?

John: .

A. Yes,I do. B.No,I don’t.

B. Yes,she does. D.No,she does.


1.What does Amy’s father/(a policeman)

2.Where does your aunt work?(a school)

3.How does he go to work?(by car)

4.Is Wang Ping a driver?(yes)

5.What does she like?(draw picture)


( )1.What does your father do?

( )2.What does your mother do?

( )3.What does your aunt do?

( )4.How does Amy’s mother go to work?

( )5.Does she go to work by bus?

( )6.Is he going to play table tennis next week?

( )7.Are you going to swim this afternoon?

( )8.How does Sam go to school?

( )9.What’s your hobby?

( )10.Do you like drawing pictures?

A.Yes,I am.

B.She goes to work by bike.

C.He’s an accountant.

D.Yes,she does.

E.I like playing the violin.

F.She’s an English teacher.

G.My aunt is a doctor.

H.No,he isn’t.

I.She goes to school on foot.

.J.No,I don’t. I like watching TV.


1.I sing songs. I am a .

2.I drive bus. I am a .

3.I write stories. I am a .

4.I dance. I am a .

5.I clean streets. I am a .



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