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[02-21 00:23:02]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  六年级英语寒假作业   阅读:8638
概要: 【摘要】我记得很多英语老师都说过:“英语的学习是没有捷径的,只有多看、多写、多听和多练才能提高”。www.kmf8.com小学频道为此提供了小学六年级英语寒假作业易错题,希望可以作为大家复习的参考!一.知识要点:1、 Don’t go to the museum.是祈使句的否定句。在第十单元已提过。类似的句子有:Don’t speak in the class. Don’t throw everywhere!2、 Let’s go to the space museum! 其中Let’s = Let us 意思是“让我们…”如要换个人称你知道吗?试一试吧!让他们 let _____ 让她 let ______ 让他 let ______.3、It’s much bigger than the Earth. 其中much 跟形容连用时一定要接比较级。Practice:1. Fish is much________ (小的) than t



1、 Don’t go to the museum.是祈使句的否定句。在第十单元已提过。

类似的句子有:Don’t speak in the class. Don’t throw everywhere!

2、 Let’s go to the space museum! 其中Let’s = Let us 意思是“让我们…”


让他们 let _____ 让她 let ______ 让他 let ______


3、It’s much bigger than the Earth. 其中much 跟形容连用时一定要接比较级。


1. Fish is much________ (小的) than the whale.

2. The sun is much________ (大的) than the Earth.

3、My clothes are much _______ ________ (贵的) than yours.

4、The sun looks smaller than the Earth. look 在这儿是“看上去”的意思。

My lions looks like monsters. look like 意思是“看起来像”


The apples in the basket ______ bigger than the ones in the bag.

The Snow White’s skin( 皮肤) ______ ________ snows.

Lily’s hats _____ ________ the black cats.

My little sister’s eyes________ lemons.

5、The Earth goes around the sun in the middle.

in the middle 在中间 请比较in the middle of … 在…中间。

Let’s play a game, one girl should stand _____ ______ ______.

The bed is ______ _______ _______ ______ my room.

The sun is ______ _______ ______ _______ the solar system.

6、In my living room, there are two lions.

There be 结构大家一定要看清楚了。是“有”的意思,表“某地有某物”

用法遵循就近原则。疑问句变成 is there are there 请看第10单元的小助手。

7、There are fewer than 2,000 pandas. fewer than 少于

那 “多于”怎么说? ___________

There are _______ ________ thirty students in our classroom.(根据实情填)

There are ________ ______ 10,000 in our school.

8、come from = be from 来自

My friend Tom comes from America.= My friend Tom ______ ______ America.

9、My two lions are as quiet as mice. as 形容词原级as 跟…一样

The baby’s eyes are ____ bright _____ stars.






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