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经验交流 :MSE听力中的口语总结

[02-21 01:47:51]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  剑桥通用英语五级   阅读:8194
概要: 【摘要】小升初考试的压力和竞争逐年加剧,很多重点初中院校不仅看重学生在小升初考试的排名,而且对小学生英语证书也有一定的要求。www.kmf8.com为大家提供MSE听力中的口语,希望大家有所参考! MSE常会考一些关于学习生活的句子。1. My best friend helped me choose a dissertation topic. -我的最好的朋友帮我选了论文。MSE常会考一些关于学习生活的句子。写论文通常是自己选论文,导师同意了才可以写。Dissertation: a long piece of writing about a subject, especially one that you write as part of a university degree- 论文;论文还有一个意思差不多的词thesis,MSE也考过这个词。Thesis: a long piece of writing about a particular subject that you do as part of an a
经验交流 :MSE听力中的口语总结,标签:剑桥通用英语五级教案,http://www.kmf8.com



1. My best friend helped me choose a dissertation topic. -我的最好的朋友帮我选了论文。


Dissertation: a long piece of writing about a subject, especially one that you write as part of a university degree- 论文;论文


Thesis: a long piece of writing about a particular subject that you do as part of an advanced university degree such as an MA or a PhD:论文;毕业论文

e.g. Writing a thesis on dance clubs is not as strange as it seems.

2. Linda developed the film herself.-Linda自己冲洗胶卷。


Develop: to make a photograph out of a photographic film, using chemicals-冲洗胶卷

I will have the film developed tomorrow. -我明天会把胶卷拿去冲洗。

I want to have this photo enlarged. -我想把相片放大。


3. Bill disliked doing the laundry. -Bill讨厌洗衣服。

很多中国学生会说,Bill disliked washing his clothes.这样说也可以,但是口语中洗衣服常说do the laundry

Laundry:clothes, sheets etc that need to be washed or have just been washed

洗衣店有两种Laundromat和dry cleaner’s Laundromat是可以用水帮你洗衣服的店。我的外国朋友问我广州有没有Laundromat.因为她没有洗衣机,冬天水很冷,不想自己用手洗衣服。

Dry cleaner’s:干洗店。

Like doing something-喜欢做某事

I like dancing in discos.

Dislike doing something -不喜欢做某事

Tom dislikes going to the dentist.

Hate doing something -厌恶做某事

Paul hates having his photo taken.

Loathe/resent doing something-憎恨做某事

I absolutely loathe traveling.

4. I had the department secretary type my term paper.-我叫系里的秘书帮我打我的学期论文。

Have sb do something. -让别人做某事,MSE常考结构。

Term paper-学期论文。在美国的大学,有些科目不进行期末考,期末交一篇学期论文就当是该科的考试。

5. Most colleges are no longer overcrowded, neither are the secondary schools. -多数大学都不再过度拥挤,中学也不是这样了。


e.g.He doesn’t like rock music, neither do I. -他不喜欢摇滚音乐,我也不喜欢。

e.g.Mary is not American, neither am I. -Mary不是美国人,我也不是。







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