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Unit 1 Electricity today

[10-20 00:28:53]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  初一英语教案   阅读:8525
概要: 2. Students work in pairs. Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 61 to each student. They have to write some list of electrical appliances that are in different places in their homes.3. When the students have completed their lists, do a survey on board to see which electrical appliances are the most common in students’ homes.3Language focus:Asking ‘Wh-’ questions to find out the reason.e.g. Why has electricity become so important in our lives?Using connectives to
Unit 1 Electricity today,标签:初一英语教案模板,http://www.kmf8.com

2. Students work in pairs. Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 61 to each student. They have to write some list of electrical appliances that are in different places in their homes.

3. When the students have completed their lists, do a survey on board to see which electrical appliances are the most common in students’ homes.


Language focus:

Asking ‘Wh-’ questions to find out the reason.

e.g. Why has electricity become so important in our lives?

Using connectives to give reason.

e.g. It’s because people want to use many different electrical appliances.

Asking ‘Wh-’ questions to find out various kinds of specific information about something.

e.g. What electrical appliances do people usually use at home/ at school /in offices?

Using adverbs/adverbials to express time/frequency

e.g. People usually use …

Using adjectives to describe conditions.

e.g. comfortable, enjoyable, convenient.

Language skills:


Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions, statements (including approval and disapproval), commands, and respond appropriately.

Understand the speaker’s intention, attitude and feelings through his/her choice and use of language, gestures and facial expression


Open an interaction by eliciting a response

Main an interaction by acknowledging, agreeing or disagreeing, replying, asking questions, adding or giving examples, explaining and using formulaic expressions where appropriate.

Maintain an interaction by controlling participation in an interaction or group activities such as taking one’s turn at the right moment and recognizing others’ desire to speak.

Maintain an interaction by asking and responding to others’ opinions


Read written language in meaningful chunks.

Recognize recurrent patterns in language structure.

Recognize format and language features in narrative and non-narrative texts.


Gather and share information, ideas and language by using strategies such as brainstorming, listing, questioning, and interviewing

Develop written texts by using appropriate format, conventions and language features when writing non-narrative texts.


Student’s Book 7B page 67

Workbook 7B pages 33 and 34

Photocopiable page 62

Pictures/photos of electrical appliances


Make a copy of Photocopiable page 62 for each group.

Post-task activity

Workbook pages 33-34


Grammar Practice Book 7B pages 58 to 59


Language focus:

Using adverbs to express time/frequency

e.g. Not yet.

Using adjectives to describe objects

e.g. Electricity makes traveling on the Airport Railway fast, sage and comfortable.

Using the simple present tense to express simple truths

e.g. The Airport Railway runs through tunnels for eight kilometers.

Using prepositions/prepositional phrases to indicate position/place/direction

e.g. It runs over bridges for three kilometers.

Language skills:


Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions, statements (including approval and disapproval), commands, and respond appropriately.

Identify the main ideas of a new topic.

Listen for specific information


Maintain an interaction by acknowledge, agreeing or disagreeing, replying, asking questions, adding or giving examples, explaining and using formulaic expressions where appropriate


Read written language in meaningful chunks

Use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expression

Recognize format and language features in narrative and non-narrative texts.


Student’s Book 7B page 68

Cassette 7B and a cassette player

Workbook 7B page 35

Pictures of public transport


Cue the cassette.

Pre-task preparation

Language learning activity

(This section aims at providing students with opportunities to practise the language/vocabulary needed or become familiar with the background for the task that follows.

1. Show photos or pictures of different types of public transport with students.

2. Play the first half of the recording: Look and read. Students listen and follow in their books.

3. Ask students to guess various information about the Airport Rail way such as: How many kilometers long is the Airport Railway? Write students’ guesses on the board.

4. Play the second part of the recording: Look and read. Students listen and follow in their books.

5. Remind students of the use of the present tense. You may also review the use of prepositions with students. You may get students to list all the verbs with which are in the present tense or list all the prepositions.

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