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unit9 do you want to go to movie教案及练习题

[10-20 00:28:53]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  初一英语教案   阅读:8674
概要: 板书设计Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?Self CheckWords: go, movie, action, comedy, documentary, thriller, and, but, scary, funny, sad, excitingSentences: Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.What kind of movies do you want? I like…问题探究与拓展活动几种构词法:(1)形容词后缀:-ful,-less。如:successful成功的;careless粗心的 (2)名词后缀:-er,-or。如:teacher教师;singer歌手;actor演员 (3)副词后缀:-ly。如:usually常常地;really真地。练习设计随堂练习设计单词拼写1.一Do you want to go to a m_________? 一Yes,1 want to see a comedy2.一
unit9 do you want to go to movie教案及练习题,标签:初一英语教案模板,http://www.kmf8.com

Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?

Self Check

Words: go, movie, action, comedy, documentary, thriller, and, but, scary, funny, sad, exciting

Sentences: Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

What kind of movies do you want? I like…


几种构词法:(1)形容词后缀:-ful,-less。如:successful成功的;careless粗心的 (2)名词后缀:-er,-or。如:teacher教师;singer歌手;actor演员 (3)副词后缀:-ly。如:usually常常地;really真地。




1.一Do you want to go to a m_________? 一Yes,1 want to see a comedy

2.一What k_______ of movies do you like? 一I like action movies.

3.Brad likes comedies and he a_________ likes Beijing Opera.

4.I often go to the park with my parents 0n w_________.

5.0n Sundays l usually s_________ at home and do my homework.

6.My mother tells me an interesting s _________ each evening.

7.My f_________ movie star is Gongli and I like her movies best.

8.I don’t like thrillers because they’re very s_________ .

9.Guo Peng likes comedies and he thinks they’re f________ .

10. Yao Ming is a very f__________ basketball player in NBA.

Keys: 1. movie 2. kind 3. also 4. weekends 5. stay 6. story 7. favorite 8. scary 9. funny 10. famous



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