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Unit 4 Where’s my backpack ?

[10-20 00:28:53]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  初一英语教案   阅读:8509
概要: (After doing 1a,check the answer.)Step Two :drills .①Practice the drills .T: This time , use the school things around you to practice the conversation .T:Where’s the watch? (Hold up a watch in the hand.)S1: It’s in your hand.T: Where’s the bag? (Put a bag on the chair.)S2: It’s on the chair.(Ask the students to practice the dialogue like this. Then get some pairs to act it out.)②Introduce a room and listen to the tape.T: This is Tommy’s room, but he can&
Unit 4 Where’s my backpack ?,标签:初一英语教案模板,http://www.kmf8.com

(After doing 1a,check the answer.)

Step Two :drills .

①Practice the drills .

T: This time , use the school things around you to practice the conversation .

T:Where’s the watch? (Hold up a watch in the hand.)

S1: It’s in your hand.

T: Where’s the bag? (Put a bag on the chair.)

S2: It’s on the chair.

(Ask the students to practice the dialogue like this. Then get some pairs to act it out.)

②Introduce a room and listen to the tape.

T: This is Tommy’s room, but he can’t find his books, his pencil case, his baseball, his computer game and his keys, please help him find the things. Listen and number [1-5] the things in the picture.

(Play the recording and then check the answer.)

Step Three: Play a game.

T: Now, we will play a game , I have a new ruler, all the students close your eyes, and I hide it in our classroom. Please guess, Where is it ? If your answer is right, it is yours. Please ask like this Is it on the desk? Is it on the floor? Are you ready?

S1: Is it in the ...?

T: No,it isn’t.

S2: Is it under the…?

T: No, it isn’t.

S3: Is it behind the…?

T: Yes, it is. Please find it out .Here you are.(Give the ruler to him.)

(Ask three or four students to come to the front to hide three or four new school things, others look for them.)

T:Who can come here to hide my new pen?

Ss: I can.

(After playing the game, some students who can find the school things will have them.)

Step Four: Task.

T: Look at the picture on the screen. This is Mary’s room. In groups of four , describe where the things are in the room.(Prepare




For five minutes.)

S1: Is the book on the desk?

S2: Yes, it is. Is the backpack under the chair?

S3: No, it isn’t. It’s… Where are the keys?

S4: They are…

Homework: Make a play.

There is a man. His name is “forgetful”. He always forgets somethings, and he always asks Where is / are my …?

Please make a short play and next class we will act it out.

Period Two





Step One: Check the homework.(运用所学句型表演短剧。)

(The students practice the short play “forgetful” for three minutes so that they can act it out well.)

T:Which group can act the play out?

Ss:We can.(Come to the front.)

S1:My name is “forgetful”, I want to work , but ,but … Where are my …?

S2: (Come to him ) Are they on the…?

S1: No, it isn’t.

S3: Are they in your…?

S1: Oh, yes, it is. But where is my ID card?...

(Some groups act it out.)

Step Two: Review the words.(利用多媒体教学课件复习学过的单词,为下面的听力训练做铺垫。)

1. Ask the students to spell the words in the picture in 2a.

T: First, look at the pictures on the screen. What are these ?

S1: They are books.

T:What’s this?

S2: It’s a baseball.

T:What’s this?

S3: It’s a computer game.

T:Is this a backpack?

S4:Yes,it is.

T: Can you spell it?

S4: Yes, B-A-C-K-P-A-C-K,backpack.

(Review the other words in the same way.)

T:Now, listen to the recording and look at 2a. Number the things from 1-6.

T:Check the answer.(Students give the answer.)

T:Now, listen again. Let’s do 2b. Find out Where are the things from 2a? Number the things in the pictures [1-6].(通过听力训练检测学生对所学知识掌握的情况,培养学生听的能力。)

(Play the tape again and check the answer.)

T:Who can answer?

S1:The computer game is on the backpack.

S2:The books are …

S3:The pencil case is …

S4: The backpack is…

S5: The baseball is…

S6: The keys are …

Step Three: Practice the drills.(根据听力材料中的句型,利用图片再次进行巩固练习。)

T: Look at the picture. Is the baseball on the chair?

Ss:No, it isn’t. It’s under the chair.

T: Are the books under the table.

S:No,they aren’t. They’re on the chair.

(write the four sentences on the blackboard. Let the students ask and answer using their own thigns.)

S1: Is your ruler on your pencil case?

S2: No, it isn’t. It’s in my…

S3: Are your keys in your pocket?

S4:No, they aren’t. They are in my…

(Let them ask and answer in pairs as many as they can to improve their oral ability.)

Step Four: Present the grammar and practice.(利用实物呈现语法。)

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