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Unit 4 Where’s my backpack ?

[10-20 00:28:53]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  初一英语教案   阅读:8509
概要: 2. Practice.T: You want four things in your room now. But you have no time to go home to get them. Write a note to a friend, let him go to your home to get them. Tell him where the things are.(Students write a note.)Step Five: Task.T: Now draw your ideal rooms in groups of six, Please use your color pencils to draw them, everyone can join this task, and then show the room to us.(Ten minutes later, ask the students hand up their drawing, every group chooses one to describe the room.
Unit 4 Where’s my backpack ?,标签:初一英语教案模板,http://www.kmf8.com

2. Practice.

T: You want four things in your room now. But you have no time to go home to get them. Write a note to a friend, let him go to your home to get them. Tell him where the things are.

(Students write a note.)

Step Five: Task.

T: Now draw your ideal rooms in groups of six, Please use your color pencils to draw them, everyone can join this task, and then show the room to us.

(Ten minutes later, ask the students hand up their drawing, every group chooses one to describe the room. Choose the best one and give them some candies or school things encourage them.)

Step Six: Do Self-check.

1. Review the words.

T: Look at self Check, let’s do exercise 1. Look at the cards in my hand , and spell the words as quickly as you can.

(Hold up some cards with Chinese words on them such as“ 桌子”.)

T: Who can spell this word?

S: I can. “TABLE”.

(Hold up the other cards to let the students spell them quickly in order to master the key words in this unit.)

2. Write some new words about this unit.

T: Now, please think it over. Do you know the other words about school things and furniture? Who can write them down on the blackboard?

S: We can.

(Some students will come to the front to write them down on the blackboard and others write them down in the notebook.)

T: Look at the blackboard. They are: ball, pen, ink, cupboard, living room, bedroom, kitchen, fridge, and washing machine…

T:Please remember them.

Step Seven: Homework.

T: Look at 3, read the note, and draw a room according to it on a picece of paper after class.



七年级英语上册Starter Unit 5单元复习学案 

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