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My country and English教案

[10-20 00:28:53]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  初一英语教案   阅读:8184
概要: Help students show the positions of the English-speaking countries on the map.Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点Learn to observe their positions on the map of the world.Teaching methods 教学方法Speaking, singing and game.Teaching aids 教具准备A map of the world, a map of markers and tape recorder.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I Revision and lead-inPut up a map of the world on the Bb. Review the names of the countries they learned in the last period.T: Look, class (That me
My country and English教案,标签:初一英语教案模板,http://www.kmf8.com

Help students show the positions of the English-speaking countries on the map.

Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点

Learn to observe their positions on the map of the world.

Teaching methods 教学方法

Speaking, singing and game.

Teaching aids 教具准备

A map of the world, a map of markers and tape recorder.

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Revision and lead-in

Put up a map of the world on the Bb. Review the names of the countries they learned in the last period.

T: Look, class (That means all of the Ss.)! This is a map of the world. (Write it on the Bb and explain it to the class.) Can you say some English-speaking countries?

Ss: Yes, we can.

T: What are they?

Ss: The U.K., the U.S., Canada and Australia.

T: Great! Who can show them on the map?

Step II Presentation

T: Can you show the English-speaking countries on the map? Volunteer, please. Where is Canada?

S1: (Come to the map and show it to the other Ss.) Here it is!

T: Good! Canada has rich forestry resources. So what colour can we paint it?

Ss: Green.

T: All right. Let’s colour it green. (Give S1 a green marker to colour it.) Well done! Let’s go on. Where is Australia?

S2: (Come to the map and show it to the other Ss.) Here it is!

T: Good! Australia has beautiful sunshine. So what colour can we paint it?

Ss: Yellow.

T: OK. Let’s colour it yellow. (Give S2 a yellow marker.)

The same way with the United Kingdom (Colour it blue.), the United States (Colour it purple.) andChina (Colour it red.).

T: Look, class! How beautiful our map of the world is! Do you like it? From the map we can see what country is in the south?

Ss: Australia.

T: What country is in the north?

Ss: China, the U.K., the U.S. and Canada.

T: China is in the east. What country is in the west?

Ss: The U.K., the U.S. and Canada.

T: Good! Now let’s make up conversations about it. Who wants to be my partner?

A sample conversation:

T: Hello! Where is Canada?

S: There it is!

T: Is it in the west?

S: Yes, it is.

T: What colour is it?

S: It’s green.

T: What country is blue?

S: The United Kingdom.

T: Where are you from?

S: I’m from China. I live in China.

T: What colour is China?

S: It’s red.

Ss practise the dialogue in pairs. Ask more pairs to talk about the map of the world.

Step III Introduction

T: Yesterday I asked you to write down the names of at least five other countries. Those that are not English-speaking countries are OK. And find some information about your favorite film star or sportsman from other countries and bring a photo of his / her to the class. Are you ready?

Ss: Yes!

T: OK! First I need two volunteers to write the names of other countries on the Bb. (After the Ss write them on the blackboard.)Well done! What else can you name except those countries on the Bb? (Two minutes later.)You’ve done it very well.

Let students take out the photos they have taken to the class.

T: Next, who would like to introduce your favorite film star or sportsman to us all?

S1: This is Michael Jordan, He is from the U.S. (Point to the country on the map.) He plays basketball very well. He is a superstar…

S2: …

Ask more Ss to introduce.

Then let them work in pairs. Ask about the photos their partners have. Their conversations should include the following questions:

What’s his / her name?

Where is he / she from?

What does he / she like to do?

Why do you like him / her?

Step IV Sing a song

Play the tape and learn to sing the song.

Learn the song line by line. Sing the song twice.

First point to north / south / east / west. Second face to north / south / east / west.

Make singing songs more fun.

Step V Homework


Read the passage. (T or F)

Look at the map of the world. Many countries are in the west. For example(例如), Australia, the U.S., the U.K. … Many countries are in the east. For example(例如), China, Japan (日本). The people(人们) in the western countries like hamburgers, donuts, bread… The people in the eastern countries like dumplings, rice, noodles… I have a good friend in Australia. He lives far from us.

( ) 1. The U.K. is an eastern country.

( ) 2. Australians (澳大利亚人) like dumplings.

( ) 3. The people in the western countries like hamburgers, noodles.

( ) 4. China is in the west on a map.

( ) 5. His friend is far from Japan.

Key: 1—5 F F F F T

Period 3 Speaking and listening

Target language 目标语言

1. Words and phrases 生词和短语

speak, Chinese, capital, flag, star, Tian’anmen Square, Palace Museum

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